Appalachian State University

Appalachian State University, located in North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains, is a hidden gem that has quietly made a name for itself over the last few decades. Founded as a teacher’s college in 1899, the university has evolved into a comprehensive institution offering a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs.

Appalachian State University’s commitment to sustainability is one of its distinguishing features. Numerous organizations, including the Princeton Review and the Sierra Club, have recognized the university for its environmental initiatives. named it one of the country’s top 20 most sustainable colleges in 2016.

The commitment to sustainability at Appalachian State University can be seen in many aspects of campus life. The university has a robust recycling program, a community garden, and a solar farm that provides a significant portion of the campus’s energy. Furthermore, many of the campus buildings are LEED-certified, and the university has a number of initiatives in place to reduce water consumption and promote alternative transportation.

However, sustainability is only one of the characteristics that distinguishes Appalachian State University. The university is also well-known for its excellent academic programs, particularly in the fields of education, business, and health sciences. In fact, U.S. News & World Report recently named Appalachian State University one of the top 15 public regional universities in the South.

The university’s commitment to experiential learning is one of the things that distinguishes Appalachian State University’s academic programs. Students can participate in internships, research projects, and community service initiatives that allow them to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-world situations. Furthermore, the university offers a number of study abroad programs that allow students to immerse themselves in different cultures and gain a global perspective.

Appalachian State University is also known for its active student body. Over 400 student organizations exist at the university, ranging from academic and professional groups to cultural and recreational organizations. These groups allow students to connect with others who share their interests, pursue their passions, and grow as leaders.

The Outdoor Programs department is one of Appalachian State University’s most popular student organizations. Hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, and skiing are just a few of the outdoor activities available in this department. Many students cite the Outdoor Programs department as one of the reasons they chose Appalachian State University because it allows them to take advantage of the beautiful natural surroundings and participate in activities that they might not be able to do elsewhere.

Appalachian State University is well-known for its strong sense of community, in addition to its academic and extracurricular offerings. Many students appreciate the university’s small-town atmosphere. Professors are approachable and frequently form close relationships with their students, and university employees are known for their friendliness and willingness to assist.

The university’s commitment to service reflects this sense of community. Appalachian State University has a long history of community service, and students are encouraged to participate in service projects and volunteer work. “Think globally, act locally,” the university’s motto, reflects this commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

Overall, Appalachian State University is a one-of-a-kind institution that provides students with a rich and rewarding educational experience. It is no surprise that the university has become a popular choice for students from all over the country and the world, given its commitment to sustainability, experiential learning, and community engagement. Appalachian State University has something for everyone, whether you want to study business, education, health sciences, or something else. So why not come and discover this hidden gem in the North Carolina mountains for yourself?

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